500 years of plants and animals

Year: 2016

Dimensions: Museum Scale

Materials: a soundwalk through the Tate Britain Collection

Curation: Tate Britain Sonic Trail

Science Collaborator: Paolo Viscardi

Produced by: Tate Britain

Exhibited at: Tate Britain

A Soundwalk for Tate Britain collection. guided through 500 years of British art by the voice of a zoologist.


500 years of plants and animals explores the evolution of the ways in which non-humans have been depicted across 500 years of British art. The art collection is a unique opportunity to observe the evolution of the relationships between humans and their environment as depicted by artists across half a millenium, a period so vast some of the living beings in question have radically changed their appearance. Time has transformed the morphology of living beings, and also our understanding of them. The second part of the walk explores how animals and plants would perceive the collection through what we understand of their sensorial systems.


La polyrythmie des cachalots


Des sons du ciel de Paris