studio antoine bertin is based in paris and alicudi island

Studio Antoine Bertin is an art and listening experience design studio. We’re based in Paris and work internationally. Our space located by the Seine combines recording studio and spaces for the development of artworks and experiences. We record voices, resounding objects, musical instruments. We build sound objects, acoustic spaces, immersive listening experiences. Pop by anytime for a studio visit!


Studio Antoine Bertin on Alicudi Island consists of a sustainable house and working space for sound research and production. The studio is autonomous in energy, water is harvested from rain, food is grown on site and welcome artists, scientists, composers, engineers, designers, thinkers, wanderers interested in developing new ways of listening to the living world, sound as a tool for protection of the environment, methods for creating music and sound sustainably. Please get in touch if you’d like to apply for a residency with us.