Year: 2018
Client: Audible
Description: binaural experience design for the launch of the Fantastic Beasts audiobook.
Design Elements: Live foley art performance, live voice over, binaural dummy head, wireless headphone system.
Location: Hotel de Massa - Paris
Des pierres, du céleri, des verres à moutarde, une veste en cuir... Ce soir, ces objets insolites viennent transformer une simple lecture en performance artistique et sonore.
Le Figaro
A live binaural experience designed for Audible. For the launch of the audiobook version of Fantastic Beasts we have worked in collaboration with foley artist Pete Burgis and Jemma Riley-Tolch (Pinewood Studios), with Pottermore and Audible to create an immersive reading of the title for an audience of 100 listeners.